That's right, Celery is totally gone from the neighborhood. A full investigation is underway. If you have any information concerning the whereabouts of Celery. Post it on this blog.

This post under Celery's name has been carried out through local and federal authorities.

America's Most Wanted!!!

No doubt you've heard the many rumors circulating throughout Central Illinois about my whereabouts. And despite NOT being voted to move to another location in the online poll, I have moved anyway. For the past three weeks I've made my home underneath the evergreens by the garage.
Look out though, I'm feelin' the urge to move again. Stay tuned!!!!

Frozen Friends

I'm not the only one who's frozen. Poor Marvin only comes out at Christmas and he's got himself an icicle beard. I think it really brings out his character. He's such a rugged reindeer.

Frozen Celery

What a crazy winter. It's not fun living with with an ice covered head. It's hard to see and hear all that's going on around me. The other day I heard a "thud" behind me and what to do you know? My favorite pussy willow tree came tumbling down. The ice had just been too much for her to handle. Now that I think about it my head is now getting heavy too. I can stick it out though. I'm tough! I'm Celery!!

"Celery's Got Mail"

I really like the mail. The unique putter of the truck always seems to wake me up and get me on guard for the big delivery. Most of the time all they get in this box is junk; catalogs, ads, and papers. I haven't figured out the mailman thing. Why on some days is the mailman actually a woman? And why do they sit on the other side of the truck? That's weird. Also, when are these people going to get a new mailbox? It's got a broken flag, a broken door, and it's getting kind of rusty.

Have an Amazing Summer

Summer is a great time. It's so warm out and it's also a great time to see a lot of stuff, like people. While the neighborhood kids are around, the summer is a little quieter in the morning and in the afternoon 'cause all the kids at the school are gone. I guess they're having an "amazing summer".

It's great to have great friends

These are a couple of my friends, Hope and Omar. They are really gentle with me. I enjoy their conversations. They have some interesting thoughts on life.